Lowongan Kerja PT Mitrais

PT Mitrais merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang IT, Mitrais memiliki dua lini bisnis: Software Development Services dan Software Product. Kami memiliki beragam kemampuan untuk software development; mulai dari Microsoft, mobile, web, Java, dll, sementara layanan Software Product kami meliputi deployment dan dukungan untuk Software Product terkemuka di sektor pertambangan dan layanan kesehatan. Seluruh layanan kami tersebut didukung oleh sistem manajemen sumber daya manusia terbaik di kelasnya dan model engagement yang terintegrasi.

PT. Mitrais adalah anggota Microsoft Partner Network dengan kompetensi Gold Application Development yang mewakili tingkat kompetensi dan keahlian tertinggi serta hubungan kerja yang erat dengan Microsoft. PT Mitrais bersama dengan Sparx Systems dan software Enterprise Architect miliknya, Mitrais mampu melayani klien dengan lebih baik melalui proses pengembangan software yang lebih efisien. Mitrais secara aktif mencari produk-produk lain di bidang pertambangan atau kesehatan, atau kesempatan untuk membuka pasar baru di wilayah Asia Pasifik.

PT. Mitrais
Jl. Sidobali, Muja Muju, Kec. Umbulharjo,
Kota Yogyakarta,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55165

PT Mitrais dalam rangka untuk mencapai visi dan misi, dan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, maka di tahun 2021 ini perusahaan mengadakan rekrutmen atau membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang saat ini kosong. Perusahaan mencari kandidat atau calon pegawai yang siap untuk ditempatkan sesuai kompetensi, minat atau bakat dan tentunya sesuai dengan syarat yang dibutuhkan pada masing – masing posisi sehingga lowongan tersebut dapat terisi dengan personel atau sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, siap bekerja dan memiliki semangat dalam mengerjakan tugasnya. Adapun dibawah ini adalah jabatan yang tersedia pada peluang kerja kali ini yang dibuka oleh pihak perusahaan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja PT Mitrais Terbaru 2024

Lowongan PT Mitrais Posisi :

C++ Developer

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  1. Liaise with functional team and business users to define development requirements.
  2. Developing programs that conform to the functional and technical specifications.
  3. Planning and executing unit testing, string testing, and integration testing.
  4. Support all levels of testing, problem-solving, and bug fixing.
  5. Performance tuning of programs.

Syarat Pencaker :

  • Working with C++ for 2 years or more.
  • C++ technologies, such as knowledge of the latest C++11, standard library, STL containers, and algorithms, dynamic polymorphism, and C++ specific notions, such as friend classes.
  • Relevant Degree (Associate Degree and/or Bachelor Degree).
  • And if you have exposure to any of the following then that will be a big plus.
  • Comfortable with AOP.
  • Design Patterns.
  • Git, GitHub, Jenkins.
  • Agile / SCRUM.
  • Front end development (HTML5, CSS3, SPA).
  • AWS or Azure deployments.
  • MsSQL/PostgreSQL/ MySQL/ MongoDB.
  • Service Automation.

Software Tester

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  1. Developing Test Strategies, Test Plans and Test Cases.
  2. Maintaining and enhancing a QA process and adhering to it.
  3. Collaborating within cross-functional and international agile teams.
  4. Testing, debugging, re-testing, and coordinating with Software Engineers.
  5. Validating software as ready for shipping.

Syarat Pencaker :

  • You already have 3+ years of experience with QA best practice and testing.
  • You have hands-on familiarity with automated testing tools (TestRails, JMeter, HP-UFT, etc.).
  • You have experience with Automation and technology such as Selenium, Appium or Katalon.
  • You have a working knowledge of Java or C languages.
  • You can speak reasonable English.
  • You enjoy working on lean and agile development projects using Scrum & Kanban.
  • You have experience in maintaining and enhancing a QA process and adhering to it.
  • You have experience in testing products involving complex business process.
  • You have experience in designing and writing their own test case/test scenario document.
  • You have experience in doing data setup for their testing involving complex scenarios.

NodeJS Developer

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  1. Coding high-quality software using distributed computing, messaging, microservices, performance tuning and memory and resource management techniques.
  2. Developing data-driven solutions for a range of clients – frontend as well as backend.
  3. Collaborating within cross-functional and international agile teams.
  4. Testing, debugging, re-testing, and coordinating with QA, validating software as ready for shipping.
  5. Reviewing code and acting as a subject matter expert for juniors in the team.

Syarat Pencaker :

  • 2-4 years in NodeJS web application development.
  • Experience with Javascript ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).
  • Experience with JS Framework.
  • Excellent knowledge of event-based programming in Node.JS with Javascript.
  • Experience with NOSQL databases, MongoDB is prefered.
  • Familiarity with OOP, javascript framework preferably JQuery.
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS3.
  • Understanding of Software Engineering practices (software requirement, design, testing and configuration management).
  • Skilled in programming, basic analysis and execute functional testing.
  • You can speak reasonable English.
  • You are well versed in best practices in OOP, design patterns, SOLID principles, and data driven design.
  • You are comfortable using git or TFS in a CI/CD environment.
  • You enjoy working on lean and agile development projects using Scrum & Kanban.
  • You love clean and beautiful code, with an eye for simplicity and pragmatism.

Benefit Pekerjaan :

What can Mitrais offer you?

  1. A CAREER, not a JOB!
  2. Competitive salary.
  3. Excellent working environment, with the possibility to relocate to our regional offices and working remotely.
  4. Free English classes, English is our working language.
  5. Lots of opportunities to improve your competencies on our technical bootcamps, certification programs and soft skills training courses.
  6. Hackathons with big prizes!
  7. Take a break with Happy Hours, Billiard Tables, gaming rooms and free drinks and snacks to keep you 100% effective.

Pengiriman Lamaran :

Dengan mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan rekrutmen yang telah dijelaskan diatas dengan demikian para pencari kerja yang merasa memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru PT Mitrais pada bulan Februari 2021 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti Foto terbaru pelamar guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu via ONLINE ke alamat :

C++ Developer : LINK DAFTAR

Software Tester : LINK DAFTAR

NodeJs Developer : LINK DAFTAR

Pendaftaran paling lambat pada : Kamis, 25 Februari 2021  EXPIRED