Lowongan Kerja Blibli Dot Com
- Mohon untuk selalu mengecek tgl EXPIRED lowongan ( lihat bag. bawah tata cara pendaftaran ) karena apabila lamaran melebihan tgl tersebut otomatis lamaran ditolak.
- Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Blibli adalah perusahaan e-commerce Indonesia yang berfokus dengan model bisnis pada B2B, B2C, dan B2B2BC (Business to Business to Customer). Berdiri pada tahun 2011, Blibli sebagai mal online terpercaya yang menawarkan berbagai pilihan produk berkualitas yang disediakan lebih dari 100.000 oleh mitra usaha. Dari kebutuhan primer, produk elektronik, keperluan gaya hidup serta kebutuhan sehari – hari. Blibli, berdiri tahun 2011, merupakan e-commerce buatan Indonesia dengan model bisnis yang fokus pada B2B, B2C, dan B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer).
Blibli sebagai mal online terbesar dan terpercaya, Blibli menawarkan berbagai pilihan produk berkualitas yang disediakan oleh lebih dari 100.000 mitra usaha, mulai dari kebutuhan primer, produk elektronik termasuk gadget, kebutuhan sehari-hari hingga produk untuk keperluan gaya hidup. Kecepatan pengiriman di Blibli didukung oleh armada BES dan 15 mitra logistik, serta memiliki 20 gudang, dan 32 hub yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di Indonesia.
Dengan visi menjadi e-commerce nomor satu yang memiliki jumlah pelanggan setia terbanyak di Indonesia, Blibli berkomitmen untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kepuasan belanja melalui 24/7 layanan Customer Care, kepastian 15 hari pengembalian produk serta pilihan pembayaran yang lengkap dan aman kepada pelanggan.
Alamat kontak perusahaan :
PT. Global Digital Niaga
Gedung Sarana Jaya
Jalan Budi Kemuliaan I No.1, RT.2/RW.3, Gambir
Kota Jakarta Pusat 10110
Telepon: (021) 50881370
Blibli dalam rangka untuk mencapai visi dan misi, dan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, maka di tahun 2021 ini perusahaan mengadakan rekrutmen atau membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang saat ini kosong. Perusahaan mencari kandidat atau calon pegawai yang siap untuk ditempatkan sesuai kompetensi, minat atau bakat dan tentunya sesuai dengan syarat yang dibutuhkan pada masing – masing posisi sehingga lowongan tersebut dapat terisi dengan personel atau sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, siap bekerja dan memiliki semangat dalam mengerjakan tugasnya. Adapun dibawah ini adalah jabatan yang tersedia pada peluang kerja kali ini yang dibuka oleh pihak perusahaan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja Blibli Dot Com Terbaru 2025
Lowongan Kerja Blibli.com Posisi :
Fleet Management Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
We believe that seamless and fast delivery throught cutting-edge technology is the key to customers’ happines, and this is what we’re aiming for at blibli.com. As a fleet Management Officer, you get to be a part of this bigger vision to deliver statisfaction and empower Indonesians by ensuring pickup and delivery processes areexecuted properly, preparing the necessary data to support BES daily operational, monitoring operational equipment needs and maintaining company-owned assets, as well as managing operational cash flow within the unit. Because of your service, our customers will be able to feel the impact of this seamles shoping experience throught seamless delivery, feeling statisfied and fulfilled at the end of the day.
Syarat Pencaker :
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- Experienced 3-4 years in relevant fields
- Skilled in Microsoft Office
- Have the capability to communicate and be good listener
- Have good common sense and analytical thinking
Operations Business Intelligence Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- This role leverages data to figure out market and business trends in order to help company in achieving its goals.
- Data mining and industry research will become daily consumptions of this role in delivering key business inisghts generating actionable recommendation.
Syarat Pencaker :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics/Mathematics/Accounting/Industrial/Engineering/Business
- Management with GPA minimum 3,50
- Minimum 1-2 years experience in relevant experience
- Passionate in data/analytical thinking
- Detail-oriented
- Have a good problem solving skill and Strong in communicaton skill
- Broad knowledge of e-commerce ecosystem
Operations Project Management Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- As a Project Management, you will not only be the key person for end to end operational execution related campaign management programs. but you will also get exposure to different kind of projects to ensure Operation Departement and Blibli to achieve their strategic objectives.
- You will also be responsible to promote operations capabilities and also capture business needs strategically and how to execute in excellent way.
Syarat Pencaker:
- Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university with GPA minimum 3.3
- Minimum having 1 year experience in relevant experience related Project
- Management/Campaign Management
- Be customer absessed, always mindful of our key objective to provide exceptional service to our customer
- Demonstrate a sense of urgency, performance stability, good understanding and judgement under limited supervision, in under pressure situations, and at a fast pace work environment
- Possess the strong ability in effective problem-solving, attention to details, establish root cause and be able to extract, analyse and work with data to assess situations and take appropriate action
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to present complex information and able to work cross functional teams
- Willing to work flexibel schedules/areas and must be able to work overtime as required, including weekends and holiday
Risk & Payment Management Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
Can you spot a risk when you see one? In Blibli.com, Risk & Payment Management Officer Specializes in identifying potential causes of vagure transactions or loss, recomending and implementing preventive measures, and devising plans to minimize loss the Company, In other words, the analyst will coordinate and perform research, analytics, and identfy early detection of any fraud cases
Syarat Pencaker:
- Bachelor’s Degree in FInance/Acconting/Banking/Business/Law from an accredited university with GPA minimum 3.3
- Minium 1 year experience in relevant experience related Risk and Payment.
Be customer-absessed, always mindful of our key objective to provide exceptional service to our customers - Demonstrate a sense of urgency, performance stability, good understanding and judgment under limited supervision, in under pressure situations, and at a fast pace work environment
- Possess the strong ability in practical problem’-solvin, attention to details, establish root cause and be able to exctract, analyse and work with data to asess situations and take appropriate action
- Excellent written and verbal communicaton skill with the ability to present complex information and able to work for cross-functional teams
- Willing to work flexibel schedukes/areas and must be able to work overtime as required, including weekends and holidays
- Confident and skilled in using Microsoft Office aplications (Outlook, Excel, Word, Powepoint, etc)
Process Improvement & Reengineering Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- To continually improve for the happiness of our customers and the growth of the company is one of Blibli.com’s top priorities. Your role as a Process Improvement and Reengineering Analyst is key in the improvement of the strategic system at Blibli.com.
- You are responsible to come up with, point out, strategically plan, and implement key project that can improve quality, reduce cost, increas both productivity and consistency, and provide solutions n order to achieve those goals and support the creation of a seamless experience for the customers.
Syarat Pencaker:
- Minimum S1 (minimum GPA 3,3)
- Microsoft Office, Process Mapping, Process Improvement, Business Process Engineering,
- Data Analysis, Lean Six Sigma, Project Management
- Minimum 1 year relevant experiences
- Business Process Improvement
- Six Sigma/Lean
- Risk Management
- Proven process improvement, business engineering qualifications
- Proven experience in process improvement, leading projects with a record of sucessful implementation
- Works well in team environment, with problem solving skills
- Strong interpersonal capabilities and ability to work cross-functionally
Junior Claim Management Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- As a Junior claim Management Offier you will be responsile to manage the planning, organizing, and implementing a damage/lost withing physical transportation of al blibli.com shipment product which embedded with inurance, encompasses all of the strategic operations that help to deliver efficient and effective with zero rejection.
- Being part of Return Management provides the unique opportunity to understand the entire Blibli.co eco-system in depth.
Syarat Pencaker:
- Bachelor’s Degree with minimum GPA 3,3
- Fresh graduate / 1 year experience, prior experience managing and coordinating college organizations
- Microsoft Office
- Be customer absessed, always mindful of our key objective to provide exceptional service to our customers
- Demonstrate a sense of urgency, good undestanding and judgement under limited supervision, in under pressure situations, and at a fast pace work environment
- Possess the strong ability in effective problem-solving, attention to details establish root cause and be able to extract, analyse and work with data to assess situations and take appropriate action
- Willing to work flexible schedules/areas, including weekends and holidays
BLITS Training Junior Officer
Gambaran Pekerjaan:
- Be a trainer in BLITS College will help to achieve the perfect score for customer satisfaction and increase the loyalty of orcustomers.
- As a trainer, you will provide world-class onboarding and learning programs through customer obsesion and innovation.
- In here, you are the chef who feeds BLITS’ hunger for knowledge, therefore make sure your got the perfect recipes and serve it in effective and efficient way.
- Give your best to ensure and continuausly upgrade the quality of BLITS from both hard skills and soft skills.
Syarat Pencaker:
- Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited university (with GPA minimum 3.0)
- Fluency in English is preferable
- Excellent presentation skills (oral and written), as well as ability to motivate, teach and nspire staff
- Excellent communication skills for the purpose of knowledge transfer and skill development
- Excellent coordination, classroom management and organization skills
- Ability to develop training and methodology programs that are unique to the organization’s goals, values and mission statement
- Ability to handle multiple projects and prioritize
- Self-development skills
- Work independently and as part of a team to come up with a range of ideas and executions for reach project
- Proven ability to work collaboratively cross-functionally
- Proven track of project delivery
- Passionate about the customer
Baca Juga (Lowongan Aktif) :
Pengiriman Lamaran :
Dengan mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan rekrutmen yang telah dijelaskan diatas dengan demikian para pencari kerja yang merasa memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru Blibli pada bulan April 2021 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti Foto terbaru pelamar, guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu dikirim melalui ONLINE pendaftaran ke alamat :
Sumber informasi lowongan kerja diatas secara gratis kami peroleh dari sumber yang terpercaya sehingga kami persilahkan bagi anda yang merasa ingin untuk menyalin dan menyebarkan informasi ini, sebagai bentuk rasa terima kasih atas usaha kami ini alangkah baiknya untuk mencantumkan sumber alamat situs ini https://bursakerjadepnaker.com sebagai bagian dari artikel yang anda buat karena hal tersebut membantu kami untuk terus berkarya menyajikan update lowongan kerja terbaru untuk menjadikan situs ini rujukan nomer satu para pencari kerja di Indonesia dan membantu para jobseeker atau pencari kerja menemukan pekerjaan impian mereka.